
What Are The Benefits Of Organ Transplant Pros And Cons

Satisfactory Essays

As a young, Muslim having been born and bred in the 21ᔆᵗ century, it has recently sparked my attention that there has been a substantial debate with many Ulama’ about harm and benefits of organ transplant. In the light of this topic, we must first understand what organ transplant is “the process of surgically removing an organ or tissue from one person (the organ donor) and placing it into another person (the recipient)” (Organ Donor, 2016). With the mass uprising of diseases in the world, many lives and limbs of loved ones have been lost or amputated due to these diseases such as, cancer, Zika virus, Buerger’s disease, septicaemia, etc. The discovery of organ transplant has not only benefitted the health of the donor and donee, but also society

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