
What Are The Causes Of The Battle Of Gettysburg

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Have you ever heard of the bloodiest battle in the civil war? Gettysburg is the bloodiest and most important battle in the civil war. More people died in this battle then any other battle of the war between the states. The causes of the the battle of gettysburg was the confederate army had some confidence from the last battle they had won. This caused them to be aggressive in the battle. If the union won it would take a lot of pressure of the of there farm, in other words it would speed up the growing process so they could ship it out faster. If the south won it would put pressure on abe lincoln to stop the south from getting reinforcements or to just end the war in general to stop all the hate. The battle of gettysburg started on July 1st 1863 …show more content…

June 30th confederate infantry is heading down to gettysburg to look for supplies. The confederates spot union calvary heading to gettysburg also. July 1st the confederates make the union fall back to gettysburg and re join each other at cemetery hill. Gen. R.S. Ewell a confederate got orders from Gen. Robert E. lee to attack the cemetery hill. But he hesitated which lead to the union having more time to get reinforcements for the union and to set up artillery and order more than ninety thousand union troops by the time night came. July 2nd lee tells two generals to attack the flanks on Culp's hill. But a series of delays gave the union time to make there spot better. The two sides collide at cemetery hill and clips for a fierce battle. But the union hold their position. Later that night gen. Lee decides to take a chance attacking where

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