
What Are The Challenges That Esperanza Faced In The House On Mango Street

Decent Essays

“He who falls today may rise tomorrow.” When you are forced out of your home and have to live somewhere totally different with totally different people, that is called immigration. Lots of people, including Esperanza, have to do this. Esperanza Ortega was a 13 year old girl forced out of her rich, Mexican life to go to the United States and work tough jobs, discrimination, and lots of challenges. Esperanza began her life with no worries, but as she got older she had to deal with Mama getting sick with Valley Fever, her not being able to do chores, and Marta trying to get workers to go on strike. The first challenge Esperanza faced as an immigrant was that she was able to do chores. When she first came to America, she was going to do chores with Isabel. While she tries to sweep, Marta and her friends are passing by and start to laugh at Esperanza. Then, she …show more content…

In the middle of the book, Marta and her friends showed up by the fields and tried to encourage others to join the strike. As an example they held up small kittens and compared them to the workers. Then, they threw the kittens into the field. After this, workers were persuaded and convinced. On page 133, the book says, “Then they pulled some of their supporters into the back of the truck with them and raised their arms, chanting, “iHuelga! iHuelga! Strike! Strike!” This quote later on leads to an immigrant sweep. This is when immigrants are sent back to their home country because of misbehaving. This is a challenge to Esperanza because she could have been taken away if she was seen with strikers. Also, she had to risk getting caught for Helping Marta stay hidden. In conclusion, this was a big challenge to Esperanza as an immigrant because of Marta and her friends’ actions, which could have gotten Esperanza in trouble and sent to back to Mexico away from her

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