
What Are The Choices That Affect Paul In Tangerine

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Edward Bloor's novel Tangerine, is about a seventh grader Paul. In the book Paul has to make many choices. Paul is legally blind, he has an abusive brother, and he is overlooked by his parents. However, he is not the only one that had to make big choices. Paul’s mom, Mrs. Fisher, also had to make many decisions that affected her son. Paul was affected positively but also negatively by his mom's choices. First, Ms.Fisher chose to “lose” Paul's IEP. Therefore, Paul now has a fresh start. For example, when Ms. Fisher and Paul were in the car mom says, “ Your IEP form disappeared somewhere between Lake Windsor and here, it's the kind of thing we should probably never mention again.” This affected Paul by now he can play soccer and he has a fresh start in his school life. In conclusion, this is a good choice for Paul because now he has a new start. …show more content…

For example, mom and paul were having a in conversation the car and she says, “has Erik done anything i need to know about.” The reason she asked was because they had just met with the guidance counselor. But maybe the reason she didn't ask any more from Paul because she knows that Erik could have done something wrong. Overall, mom knew Erik is bad but she didn't want to know so that effects Paul because he knows Erik killed Luis. Lastly, Ms. Fisher chose to not tell Paul about his blindness. For instance when Paul asked his parents what happened she responded, “ You were five years old Paul. There was only so much you could understand. All you could understand was that something bad happened.” Ms.Fisher thought that she was protecting Paul but in reality he got really mad because they didn't tell him that Erik was the reason. All in all, if mom had just told Paul about his eyes because she didn't want him to hate Erik but now he hates his whole

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