
What Are The Effects Of Ww2 On Society

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World War II effects Ever since September 1st, 1939 when World War ll first began there has been a lot of counter arguments about who it had affected the most. Everyone has their own opinion on it, but who is exactly correct? World War II didn’t only affect the soldiers but their families as well. It had a major impact on the whole country. World War II had effects on the U.S. more than you would think. The world was simply left in a great depression. Nearly all men had to go to war. During this time the government made the first annual “draft.” Meaning all men between the ages of 21-45 was forced to register for war. Men who qualified for war were sent to help fight against Germany and its Allies. This left nobody working in the factories and woman were forced to go work. This led to a ration on clothing and furniture. Not to mention gas, food, and other short supply objects. The U.S. was left in doubt with a total of approximately 418,500 men dead. …show more content…

Even though women were expected to be stay home mothers, they were working outside their home instead. Woman had no choice but to cover the jobs for the men. This also led to a major decrease in divorce. Plus even more shortages of many items. Katharine Phillips said “During the war, you just kept thinking that life cannot begin until this is over. You just had to see again, that all the boys that you had known and had been fond of were home safely.” This made the woman become more independent and acknowledge that they had more in them self’s as humans. They knew they were more capable of doing things than everyone thought they could do. So when the men came home, most of the women had changed from being homemakers, to doing the men’s jobs. The men knew that they were not indispensable. World War II was a very emotional, and was a hard time for the

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