
What Are The Ethical Issues In The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks

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“If you pretty up how people spoke and change the things they said, that’s dishonest” said Henrietta’s relatives to Rebecca Skloot, the author of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. That statement is the essence of this book; everything in it was written very honest and course. This story was written very coherently, for nonfiction literature. It addresses the issue of scientist ethics, all while telling an enthralling story. The book delves into the history and story of Henrietta Lacks, and the origin of the HeLa cells. Overall the book was deep, interesting, and wonderfully informative. Henrietta’s story in this book started off with Henrietta’s suspicion that there was something wrong with her;she felt a knot inside of her. This detail is undoubtedly important, because at a certain perspective, it was a start for everything that happened to Henrietta from that point. If she had not gone to the hospital for her findings, she …show more content…

While many people say they should have their own say over their cells, scientist always retort, stating that it would interfere with science if patients did indeed control what happened to their cells after they have been sampled. This popular topic gets even more complex when money is concerned. However, when money is involved the patient should get some compensation if their tissues or cells did something drastically crucial for scientists. Otherwise, there is already a law in place that the doctor must get consent to gather samples from patients. This book had an entertaining comedy twist. The interactions held between Rebecca and the members of Henrietta’s family members were often either comical or serious. At rare times, they were tragic. Deborah Lacks, one of Henrietta’s daughters had helped with the research for this book, had become close with Rebecca Skloot during that time. When she died, it invoked emotion from the readers, offering an unexpected bittersweet

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