
What Are The Five Principles Of Bioethics

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There are five basic principles of bioethics. The first is Beneficence this is the duty to act to promote the good for others (Halter, 2014). The example for this is if there is an order for a medication that is much higher than the normal dosage the nurse takes the time to call the doctor to check if the dosage is correct to keep the patient safe. Autonomy is respecting the rights of patients to make their own decisions (Halter, 2014). An example of this is the patient refuses to take their morning medication by choice. Justice is the duty to treat all patients the same regardless of personal attributes (Halter, 2014). An example of this is treating a patient with cancer the same as a patient with the flu. Fidelity or nonmaleficence is maintaining loyalty and commitment to the patient and doing no wrong to the patient. Keeping a promise to a patient. Veracity is the duty to communicate truthfully to the patient (Halter, 2014). This would be telling the patient the side effect of a certain drug is going to make them drowsy instead of saying this medication will make you feel great.
Patient rights include the right to treatment (Halter, 2014). This includes environment being safe and must be humane (Halter, 2014). The staff must be qualified and sufficient to provide adequate treatment (Halter, 2014). The plan of care must be individualized for every patient, the same plan of care cannot be used for every patient (Halter, 2014). All patients have the right to refuse

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