
What Are The Fundamental Characteristics Of Fully Developed Fluid Turbulence?

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A fundamental characteristic of fully developed fluid turbulence is the appearance of the inertial range which is an intermediate regime between the energy-containing low- (-- removed HTML --) k (-- removed HTML --) and dissipative high- (-- removed HTML --) k (-- removed HTML --) regimes. For sufficiently large Reynolds numbers (=forcing/viscous damping), the inertial range is known to exhibit a universal power law, (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) E (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) ( (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) k (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) ) (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) ∼ (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed …show more content…

This anomalous transport degrades the plasma performance of the fusion device. Therefore, the study of characteristics of plasma turbulence (onset from unstable plasma conditions, nonlinear saturations, etc.) has been the most important endeavor in fusion plasma physics for decades. A thorough understanding of this problem is still far from completeness, given the complexity and difficulty of the problem. (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) Plasma turbulence is of wave turbulence, which is different from the fluid turbulence where vortex-vortex interaction provides spectral transport of physical quantities across the scales. (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) 5 (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) In plasma physics, the simplest but non-trivial drift wave turbulence model is the Hasegawa–Mima (HM) equation. (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) 6 (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) Even though it is simple enough, it contains sufficient degrees of complication and physics contents to study plasma wave turbulence. Thus, studies of wave turbulence in the HM model can provide insights into turbulence dynamics and its consequence in determining plasma transport in magnetized plasmas. Therefore, many direct numerical simulations as well as analytic studies have been carried out using the HM model for the past decades. (--

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