
What Are The Key Aspects Of Externality

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A key concept in chapter three is externalities, the repercussions of one’s actions as a result of self-interest. One example that Wheelan gives is texting and driving. As a result of the deaths that people texting and driving cost, the government made a law in which the fine for texting and driving is extremely high, therefore mitigating the incentive to do such. Externalities can either be positive or negative. This concept easily affects economics by causing market failures when a price equilibrium does not account for all the externalities in a product. In addition, in the case where the externality is negative, the government actually makes sure to regulate negative externalities by creating barriers or laws and diverting resources to mitigate the harm. …show more content…

An example of an externality is the harmful effects of sugar. One article by Adam Briggs examines evidence that sugar causes tooth decay, diabetes and heart disease, and also shows to be the leading cause of obesity. Soft drink companies continue to produce their drinks with an overwhelming amount of sugar regardless of the consequences the consumers face, therefore causing a negative externality towards the consumers in terms of their health. In order to combat this, The United Kingdom has actually come up with a new tax policy for sugary drinks, a product with loads of sugar in it in order to find solvency for the health problems faced through the rising amounts of

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