
What Are The Stereotypes In The Movie Mulan

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For young age children, Disney movies has always played a big part in their childhood. For many people when watching movies such as Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Cinderella. They tend to only see it as family films with the same message, which is the princess getting her happy ending by marrying her prince charming who helped her in distress. These movies basically convey the message that women are not strong enough and have the courage to overcome certain obstacles within their lives without a man. But, the movie Mulan breaks this gender stereotype as it portrays a woman with a more masculine personality, opposes feminine stereotypes, and challenges the idea of men being more intellectual than women.
When one hears the word masculinity, the idea of men being dominant, powerful, and strong comes to mind. As a woman …show more content…

But, in the case of Mulan, she redefined the stereotypical idea of masculinity. All throughout the movie Mulan was looked upon as just another girl in the Chinese culture, whose main goal was to fulfill her families honor by being able to achieve certain characteristics to be accepted for marriage. In the beginning of the movie, Mulan is shown engaging in conversion with her mother about the matchmaker pairing her up with a man who could potentially be her future husband. From that point Mulan meets up with the matchmaker and makes a complete fool of herself. At this point it is shown that the marriage lifestyle isn’t cut out for Mulan. This is surprising when making a connection with reality. For most woman it is their dream to grow up and get married. Going to war wouldn’t necessarily be a dream for Mulan, but it would be a mission. Aside from being a man, for Mulan to be eligible to fight in the army she would have to possess some type of physical strength. According to Soren Hough, “women must be physically strong, and if possible, they must defeat men

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