
What Are The Subcategories Of Thrillers By Scaagg

Decent Essays

Scaggs mentions lots of subcategories of the thriller such as “legal thrillers, spy thrillers, racing thrillers, psychological thrillers, futuristic thrillers, political thrillers, cyberpunk thrillers, gangster thrillers, serial killer thrillers, heist thrillers” (107) , but accordingly to the author all of them can be assigned to the one of two main subcategories which are noir thriller and anti-conspiracy thriller. The author emphasizes the nature of the characters in the noir thriller, “who consciously transgress legal and social boundaries for their own personal gain, be it sexual, monetary, or political” (108). It is the confirmation of one of the required constants which concerns the amorality of the characters. Furthermore, Scaggs describes

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