
What Caused The French Revolution?

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What caused the French Revolution to radicalize? Historians such as Timothy Tackett and David A. Bell explore that question implicitly in When the King Took Flight and The First Total War respectively. Although they are two profoundly different books, both point to fear as a causal force in the radicalization of the Revolution. However, Tackett suggests that the flight of the King created fears of counterrevolutionary conspiracies and suspicion as a result of France’s regime changes and polarization and thus radicalized Paris. While Bell argues that increased military modification and war caused fear and radicalization in France. The authors do not explicitly explain what they mean by “radical,” but from the evidence and events that they describe, one can deduce their definitions. After the king’s flee from the Tuileries, Tackett describes radical as certain political groups acting on and demanding for extreme measures such as violent demonstrations of deposing the king in favor of a republic. Bell, on the other hand, defines radical differently. Radical according to Bell is people’s paranoia and fears to the extreme of killing hundreds of people who did not agree with the revolutionary ideal.
Although The First Total War does not center on one event like When the King Took Flight does, Bell, like Tackett, describes how fear was a prime factor in radicalizing the revolution. Bell explores numerous events following the fall of the Bastille, and despite, the

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