
What Does Cheer Mean To Me Essay

Decent Essays

When I stepped onto the blue mat in this new gym, I knew this was where I wanted to be. After years of dreaming of going to this gym, reality finally kicked in and I was ready to start my journey. I had cheered for five years in McKinney, Texas and I started out loving it. That gym made me realize cheer was my sport. The reason I loved it so much was because of my coach, Raul. He was like a brother to me and pushed me to do my best and try new things even when I was worn out and felt like giving up.
Raul fought to put me on an amazing team and we had a successful start of the season. We were only a week away from our biggest competition of the season when he was removed from his coaching position. He didn’t get a goodbye or a see you later. …show more content…

Some of them the week of competitions. I believe that having people quit because they don’t think we are good enough is something that has shaped me as a person. When people don’t have faith in our team, it makes me want to push harder to reach my goals. Cheer has turned me into a very determined person when it comes to getting what I want in life. If there is a goal I’m attempting to reach, I won’t stop until I know I have tried every possible thing to get there. If people try to push me down and they don’t believe I will make it, then I try even harder. The best way to show off my hard work and dedication is through …show more content…

He told me that if I switch gyms I would never be successful there, the coaches wouldn’t like me, and I would be eaten alive at my new gym. I used this as an opportunity to prove that he was wrong and that I could do anything I set my mind to, so I did. I switched to another gym and I worked as hard as I could to make the team I wanted to be on. It took up a lot of my time and took my focus away from many other things, but I still trust that it was worth it. I loved my old gym, but it didn’t compare to the new gym I called

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