
What Does Darkness Symbolize In The Fall Of The House Of Usher

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“The Fall Of The House Of Usher” is a suspense, novel written by the famous dark romantic “Edgar Allen Poe”. Poe is a master at making the creepy, even more horrifying by using specific tone. His tone is is the idea of prevailing darkness and pure gloom. Just about everything in this story is draped in darkness to add to his sinister plot. And at no point is there a happy feeling, the plot just keeps dragging the character into a deeper pit of despair. Showing us how there is evil in every one even between siblings. Darkness is used a little less than the idea of gloom in this short story but its just as important. This story wouldnt be as sinister if darkness itself wasn't involved. “The whole of a dull, dark and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, . . . .” (1-2). This was a quote from the very beginning of the story, that can put in perspective how dark and ieiri this story was going to be. “ While the objects around me-- while the carvings of the ceilings, the sombre tapestries of the walls,the ebon blackness of the floors, . . . .” (104-106). He is walking through his house and notices these things and describes …show more content…

He uses gloom and other synonyms in his story to outline for the reader just how much despair is in the air when the main character visits his friend. “I know not how it was--but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit”(5-7). This quote also, like my first quote, was from the beginning of the story, practically out lining on how the rest of the story is going to be. The fear of this dismay is clearly pointed out as well. “You must not--you shall not behold this!, said i, shuddering, to usher, as i led him, with a gentle violence, from the window to a seat”( 466-467) . His fear is clearly evident and this is all thanks to the gloom the Poe has provided, without you would have the thrilling

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