Proctor as a verb means to supervise or monitor and as a noun means a person appointed to keep watch over students at examinations (ThefreeDictionary, n.d.)
As the definition shows, proctoring in academic means supervising students during the exam by authorized person or people in order to prevent cheating or any inappropriate behavior that might violate the integrity and the rules of the exam.
According to the university of people ‘s catalog, one of the main condition for graduation and awarding a diploma to a student is passing all the required proctored exams which are five courses for associate’s degree and 11 courses for bachelor’s degree (page 44). I am B.S. student in computer science and I looked at the proctored exams that are required
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Since, this is my first semester, I haven’t done the procedure yet. But based on the university catalog I have to log in to the Student Portal during the course registration, and if a course is required a proctor, I have to click on the proctor link and fill up the proctor information form which includes proctor’s (page 45):
- first and last name,
- email address,
- telephone number
- occupation
- and place of residence.
Also, I noticed that there is a Manage Proctors link in the Student Portal which allow us to edit the information of the proctors.
I decided to take the College Algebra for the next semester and this is one of the proctored courses for computer science. I am planning to talk to one of the volunteers in the library. His name is Jonathon and he is retired teacher. Another person that I have in mind is Anne, she is librarian and teaches writing English in the
INSTRUCTIONS 1) Write your name, student ID number and signature in the assigned space on the front page. 2) To make sure that we can identify your exam if your student
Proctor brace that a person’s honor, name, and the principles by which he lives are more important than even life itself. He proves that by proving that statement true, by diying to brace his name, honor, and the principles by which he lives. Other ways that he proved that too, is by taking importance of his friends’ opinion, and showing guilt of the sinning he has done; the affair with
John Proctor was no more than someone trying to do good in a bad place. He knew nothing different than exactly how he was raised, a farmer in a strict religious community where it was sinful to do anything which could be seen as a threat to the group of religious extremists, known as Puritans. Puritans are a group of people whose goal is to rid the The Church of England from its “Catholic” practices. John Proctor was a wealthy, distinguished farmer.
Proctor has many character traits that contribute to him being so difficult to figure out. His crime of lechery against his wife and his willingness to save her both are intermixed in a tangle of
as his beliefs. This paper will discuss Proctor's change in character and his struggle with getting to
The confession was too late. Proctor ended up being accused of witchcraft himself after his wife lied to the court to save his name from lechery.
Proctor is a humble farmer in the small town he lives in. He is a man of high stature, a common man. Among all common men they all share similar qualities: they try to provide for their family, mind their own business, and they make mistakes. In this particular case, Proctor does make some very big mistakes. Proctor may seem to the reader as a hero, as the way he defends his point of view and tries to fight off temptations and evils around him, but he is not
The Board requires 150 semester hours earned to sit for the exam. One way to accomplish this is to complete a master’s degree or higher from an eligible institution. Another option is to complete a baccalaureate degree from an eligible
When we are introduced to his character, it is apparent that he has been unfaithful to his wife (Elizabeth) with a lady named Abigail. Following this, we see that his wife has been accused of witchcraft, and it is Abigail who made the accusation. Proctor realizes that it is because of his actions that his wife has been accused and he
John Proctor is portrayed throughout the play to be a man who has high moral values that he must abide by. He
Proctors conflict stems back to his past. A while before the setting of the play, Abagail
won't let Mr. Proctor go, they want him to confess to save his life, here
To begin with, Proctor was considered a strong person in the community, and he was respected for it. He was a handsome, hard-working, and
The reader can infer that Proctor is a highly respected, and even feared individual in Salem. He speaks his mind, and strikes down any malevolence. For this, Proctor has a very good reputation in the town. He maintains this good name by being very immersed in town issues, but being detached when not needed. Unlike many of the other characters, Proctor lives away from the town center. This is symbolic of his stance in conflicts and his opinion of Salem’s leadership. When all the leaders of Salem erupt into a frenzy about the possible issue of witchcraft, Proctor silences the chaos by asking if anyone can “speak one minute without we (Salem citizens) land in Hell again?” (30). Later in the scene, Proctors goes even further to point out how the current ministry is broken by saying, “I mean it solemnly...I like not the smell of this ‘authority’” (31). His distrustfulness of nature is what makes him the leading protagonist against the many ensuing problems so deeply ingrained into Salem’s population. Proctor is not only unwilling to join the current ministry due to its blind leader, but also the first character to see the irrationality of
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