*Explain what “proctoring” means and why the UoPeople requires proctored exams.
Since we begin going to the school , we have always observed that any exams was proctored or supervised by a teacher .
Proctoring exam means that someone will watch over or supervise in the duration of the exam.
Uopeople requires a proctored exams because it is an online university . and the proctored exams are mandatory in order to award a degree or diploma.
*the necessary criteria for an appropriate proctor are:
"- Be responsible adults, such as a local official, supervisor at work, librarian, or a religious figure, and be at least 21 years old;
- Be willing to comply with policies and procedures to ensure the integrity of the exam process. - Have adequate and
In this company I will follow all policies and procedures to make sure that what I’m doing is being done correctly and safely.
Colleges and universities that offer remote education usually require their students, especially degree seekers, to take proctored exams, tests administered and supervised for the entire duration. Proctors, most often authoritative figures such as elected officials, teachers, high school principles, guidance councilors, librarians, or even religious figures, oversee that academic integrity is being practiced while taken. Here, at UoPeople, proctored exams are absolutely necessary to prevent course failure, resulting in the inability to graduate.
When a teacher is presented with this conflict, going against standard regulations may be tempting. To regulate this, many states have placed strict guidelines where the students’ teacher is not the individual proctoring the test. However, there are still several states that have the teacher administer test to his or her own students, often times without another proctor in the room. This inconsistency between state regulations also proves the biased separation between how students are tested from state to state, causing certain students more opportunities for assistance than others. With this lack of security, it becomes incredibly easy for teachers to go against common regulations, such as allowing more time on sections, allowing students to go back and work on previous sections, or answering any municipal questions the children may ask, or major, such as changing a student’s attempted answer to correct, or opening a test before the test date and teaching the students the exact test questions. These frightening test practices send a message that “examiners should take into consideration the appropriate changes to be done, keeping in mind the professional and standardization of the test” (Farah). Although these test tampering methods can be seen as the teachers way of assisting students with academic disabilities that do not receive the help they need, the
Assessor should follow procedures and policies at all times and ensure they are up to date with regulations and legislation, ensure equality and diversity and monitor own work.
Furthermore, an appropriate adult must be 18 years and above. An appropriate adult ought to be
* Work within the policies and procedures of the institution where employed, or if self-employed, have identifiable policies and procedures to follow
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines proctor as, a supervisor or monitor, specifically someone appointed to supervise students (as at an examination). UoPeople being an online only University, requires proctors for certain exams to maintain the integrity, and honesty during the exam. The proctor will confirm the appropriate person is taking the exam and that all rules for the exam are followed.
Proctoring is a number of monitored exams that you must pass in order to graduate from the
A proctor is in charge of proctoring an examination of a student, in other words; a person who is responsible for watching over a student who is taking a final examination. This process is to determine and to validate the ability of a student’s competence when the standard practice of test administration is required. This can also be seen as evidence of a student’s integrity without further doubts when he or she is enrolled in distance learning education. At University of The People, each degree program has its own number of exams that are to be proctored. Therefore, each student must take all proctored exams required to successfully graduate.
* Be open and honest, act with integrity and uphold the reputation of their profession
According to the freedictionary.com, the word proctor means, "a person appointed to keep watch over students at examinations." According to merriam-webster.com, the word proctor means, "one appointed to supervise students (as at an examination)." We can see from both of these dictionaries, there is an agreement, that a proctor is someone appointed to supervise students in an examination. I have had plenty of experiences with proctors since I was in high school. During a test called the "FCAT" in Florida, and also during AP Exams, all students in my school were given an assigned room to take a test in, and were assigned a proctor that watches over them. The teachers in the school, were not allowed in the classrooms, so the students won't cheat,
of drug use. Also, all students must submit to the test, making it 1) suspicionless, and 2)
Testing has felt tremendous influence from the emphasis on efficiency. University examinations have moved from individual testing by professors to nowadays where most exams are machine graded, text-book given multiple choice tests. Thus, with the infiltration of McDonaldization into the educational system, test taking has become extremely efficient for the professor.
By the time students reach their first year of a university they have already experienced being academically and physically tested multiple times through their school life. Standardized testing has become a constant and has been engrained in most aspects of academic life. And with the added bonus of a global race to produce the best and the brightest, it seems as though the government and University institutions are increasingly happy and proud of their results as the frequency of standardized testing is on the rise.
Proctoring is a very fancy way to say supervise or supervising. I think the school requires proctors simply to make sure that you do not cheat on the exam that is being given. Certain knowledge needs to be retained and University officials simply can’t watch each and every student it teaches. So having a proctor helps with the exam process for the University.