
What Does The Scarlet Ibis Symbolize

Decent Essays

James Hurst establishes “The Scarlet Ibis” by using multiple literary devices such as symbolism. Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities. The main symbol utilized in the short story is the Scarlet Ibis itself. The bird, Scarlet Ibis, is not the only symbol throughout the story though. The color red is mentioned a couple times throughout the book linking it back to blood and death. Another symbolic object in the story is the coffin. The Scarlet Ibis is a big, red bird that Doodle had found dead beneath the bleeding tree. Doodle can relate to the bird in one major way. They have both come a long way. The reader can assume that Doodle does not live where the bird does in because the father states that it lives in, “...

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