
What Does The Tree Symbolize In To Kill A Mockingbird

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For my symbol I decided to make the tree that Boo Radley used to give gifts to Jem and Scout. In To Kill A Mockingbird, the tree was Boo Radley’s only way to communicate with the world outside of his home. When Scout describes the trees she says that their roots reached out to the side-road and made it bumpy which symbolises the way Boo tried to reach out to the children by leaving gifts for them in the knothole of the tree. I think that the branches of the tree illustrate all of the rumours that surround Boo Radley in Maycomb County and the knothole at the centre of the tree was the real Boo who was nowhere near as scary and dangerous as everyone made him out to be. When Boo Radley’s brother Nathan plugged up the knothole with cement, it showed

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