
What I Learned My Feminine Behaviors Of A Girl

Decent Essays

1.The earliest memory I had of understanding the particular behaviors of a girl was when I could understand the meaning of words. I learned my feminine behaviors of how to be a girl by observation. I watched TV and observed all the women and men around me. I can say I wasn 't pursued to be one way or the other. As I grow up, I wanted to wear fewer dresses and more shorts. I inspired to accomplish daredevil acts that boys did, play football, and basketball. I was labeled as an tomboy by my friends. I wished for nice tennis shoes, not sandals. At that time, I didn’t think about my sexual orientation as a child. I just wasn 't interesting in playing with dolls like an abundance of little girls I encountered.

2.My parents and family members never influenced my beliefs in any which way about sexual orientation. The possible reason I never got influenced one way or the other is a result of having no one approachable to spark up a discussion about same sex matters. The only time I heard about anything related to LGBT is in the church. My pastor at the time emphasized on how it’s wrong to have other sexual behavior except heterosexual behavior.

Moving forward I can speak of me as a parent and how I influence my children. When my daughter at the age of 15 expressed her interest in girls that’s when discussions came up. I decided I will be supportive and love her whatever path of love she choices. On the grounds that I still had a little seed planted in me by the pastor on

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