
What Impact Did Religion And The Church Have On The Development Of Feudal Society? Essay

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What impact did religion and the church have on the development of feudal society?
Feudalism, during medieval society, was parallel to the existence of the Catholic Church and its influence over the population. Religion permeated all elements of society and the way in which they related to each other. The Church wasn’t only a spiritual power, but a political and economic one and the struggles between the political and religious leaders will be key factors in the development of the medieval world. The church will also be the primary keeper of knowledge in the Middle Ages, and they will accomplish most cultural advancements.
At the beginning of the 11th century, the predominant faith in Western Europe is the Catholic one, and the Church in those territories follows, in theory, the same Canon Law and has the Pope at its head as the deciding voice in religious disputes. The Church was the main unifying factor between territories that had evolved in very different ways, had different power structures in place and spoke different languages.
The Church owned significant amounts of land since it became the official religion of the Roman Empire, mainly in the form of bishoprics and monasteries, but even at a smaller level in the shape of the lots assigned to the different parishes. The control of this resources had capital importance for the different rulers who fought for the Control of the rights to appoint clergy at all levels, but mainly abbots and bishops, excluding the Pope

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