
What Is A Reflection In Social Work

Decent Essays

While we have not been in field very long, it is important to constantly keep working toward becoming a better professional. This can include both your behavior, but also your ethics and ability to maintain a professional outward appearance. Field has given us an opportunity to grow and enhance the skills we may or may not already have. This will continue to be true throughout a significant portion of our schooling and beginning career. Being in meetings this week, it became apparent to me that no matter how much you think you have learned from school and interning, it is vastly different once you start a real career. This was nerve-racking to me as I thought I would be mostly prepared for a career after graduation, instead of not prepared at all. During my field placement this week I have attended a couple of staff meetings which were very interesting. I tried to observe the variety of people during this time to gain a better understanding of what the individuals in this situation were looking for. By observing, I was able to gain some insight into how professional social workers interacted, and what was generally looked down upon. This could include interrupting others in the meeting or being on their phones for most of the time before asking questions which were already discussed in depth previously. I felt this directly opposed what social workers are supposed to professionally be. It was challenging for me to have to not say anything after the same question had been

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