
What Is A Tent Foot

Decent Essays

What is a tent foot? What you need to know.

Have you ever struggled to understand what a tent footprint is? Or have you ever struggled to understand why people need tent foots?

We’ll I’m here to answer that. I think that it is important to know what a tent foot is because it is such a useful tool when camping, that it can save the underneath of your tent from damage while you are camping.

So what is a tent footprint, really?

Think of a tent footprint like the foundation of the tent. What this tent foot does is it protects the underneath of your tent from any wear and tear.

Normally, tent foot’s come attached to the tent itself so you don’t necessarily have to worry about buying a new one. However, many tents are waterproof underneath. …show more content…

Believe it or not, when you are doing the tossing and turning, you are causing abrasions on the ground material of the tent.

Over time, the friction from those abrasions will tear the underneath of the tent apart.

Are there any other uses for the tent foot?

Tent footprints can be used as a form of insulation underneath your tent. When the tent foot is underneath your tent, the tent foot will trap warm air underneath your tent to provide you warmth for as long as possible.

The tent footprint also makes sure that packing up the tent is as easy as possible. Since the tent itself will be on top of the tent footprint, the tent will stay dry underneath. That means that you don’t have to spend as much time cleaning the tent before packing up.

One other way that tent footprints can help, other than protecting the tent from damage, is by helping you place your corners of the tent. When you buy your tent, the tent foot will nearly be the exact dimension as the tent footprint.

As for the waterproofing; just because some tents are waterproof, doesn’t mean that a tent footprint cannot add an extra waterproofing layer underneath the tent. It is generally a good idea to have as many extra layers of water

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