
What Is Age Discrimination In The Workplace

Satisfactory Essays

Nam Vu
Professor K. Tarquinio
PSYCH – 092
Extra Credit
Ageism, or age discrimination, is a problem that is extremely pervasive in the workplace, spanning from retail to even corporate environments. Ageism has existed for a long time and is still affecting businesses today. Even though there are laws set up to prevent this from happening, most businesses are smart enough to find loopholes in order to continually practice age discrimination. One huge reason for this is that many businesses know they can pay younger and less-experienced workers less. However, this is not to say that older people do not experience age discrimination as well. The government can pass whatever law it wants to attempt to forbid such acts, it lies in the nature of human beings to be ageist, per se. …show more content…

Some things that we value are youth, wellness, beauty, and idealism. An aging human is all but these listed qualities. In more recent years, fitness and good health are two themes that have been floating around in American culture. “While elders are still esteemed in many countries, American culture seems to have lost this perspective. Ageism has become ingrained in American culture as it is passed on to children from parents who hold ageist stereotypes” (Jules). Most people are under the impression that aging adds to the coming of poor health, the opposite of what our population views as proper.
The labor market is one that is especially notorious for the perpetuation of ageism. Many employers are guilty of refusing to hire and even firing workers because they are too old, despite them being able to sufficiently perform assigned tasks. For this reason, ageism is not and will never be justified, which is why it is

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