
What Is Bca Genetic Testing Ethical?

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Bioethical Principle Paper: BRCA Genetic Testing
With so many advances in medical technology, ethical dilemmas often accompany the advances. Genetic testing continue to be one of the most heated ethical debate in today’s health care. In 1963, newborns began to be tested for phenylketonuria (PKU), an amino acid buildup in the blood that causes mental retardation. This is the earliest genetic testing documented in the health care of the United States. Today, more than 2,500 available genetic testing are available to the public where the lowest cost reported is a DNA home kit for one hundred dollars. In 2013, the famous actress, Angelina Jolie, undergone a preventive double mastectomy after the BRCA genetic tests that revealed she was at a high …show more content…

With this special bonding, if an individual was tested positive for BRCA1/2 mutation, it will be a great indicator that someone in the family also carries the mutated gene. There is a moral argument for whether it is obligated to share the genetic information with relatives who may potentially be at risk; however, this decision can violate patient autonomy and confidentiality. Studies have shown that most mutation carriers do not share this information with his/her family member, because it can cause tension in the relationship. In addition, if the mutation carrier decided to receive therapeutic treatment such as BRMx or BROx, the decision that the carrier made can further introduce suspicions and questions from the …show more content…

Therefore, in 2008, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act prohibit discrimination on the basis of genetic information with respect to health insurance and employment. Employer cannot refuse to hire, or to discharge, any employee because of genetic information. In addition, it is unlawful to request, require or purchase genetic information of the employee (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2008). However, even with genetic non-discrimination legislation, mutation carriers may find themselves ineligible for life insurance and other long-term

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