
What Is Benjamin Franklin Moral

Decent Essays

Benjamin Franklin is considered one of the greatest men in the history of America. From his reckless lifestyle as a young man to becoming a wise leader, he was always a great thinker. Furthermore, Franklin was an avid reader gaining much insight and opinions from his extensive reading. Benjamin Franklin was a very moral man, always seeking to cultivate his character, yet his “religion” stemmed from trusting in the “written” word rather than the Word. Franklin created a book listing a column of virtues and accompanied by tables to track his progress. His inspiration was contrived, “agreeable to the advice of Pythagoras.” His book included several quotes from other books as well as a prayer and scripture. But his book of moral and biblical principles was carried out on his strength and not God’s power.
Although Franklin attended church regularly, his book of moral principles dictated his actions more than God’s word. For in his early life he determined with the help of Ryden and Boyles lectures, “that truth, sincerity, and integrity in dealing between man and man were of the utmost importance to the felicity of life, and I formed written resolutions “which still remain in my Journal book.)” Furthermore, Benjamin Franklin used his Almanac as well as the …show more content…

While he follows the previous excerpt with, “I at present think that whoever attempts this aright and is well qualified, cannot fail of pleasing God and of meeting with success.” His goal of pleasing God still stems from virtue and goodness on man’s

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