
What Is Dorothy Smith's Emergence Of Sisterhood?

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Dorothy Smith, played a vital role in being a part of women's movement. She describes 'Feminism' as " The discovery of what oppression means" (Smith, Feminism and Marxism-A place to Begin,a Way to Go, 2005, p. 225); meaning make domination and power over women. Her ideas evolve around how women's repression can be seen through the emergence of sisterhood. She explains that women's subjugation can be understood in a manner when we discuss about it with other woman and get an insight of what they go through. She argues that this tyranny is not a sign of weakness, nor is it internal, but it is something that has been entailed by society and forced upon to women to oblige by it (Smith, Feminism and Marxism-A place to Begin,a Way to Go, 2005, p. 226). …show more content…

15).The reason for developing an interest in Marxism was because of his readings in "German Ideology" which stated ; " We're going to have done with speculation and all this crap. We're going to start with actual people, their actual work." (Carroll, 2010, pp. 15-16). This gave her a better view to do something in a different way, which will hold out in the favor of women. It also made her aware and comprehend that ideal social, political and economic relations outlines and establishes women's oppression in society (Smith, Feminism and Marxism-A place to Begin,a Way to Go, 2005, p.

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