
What Is Emily Dickinson's Insecurities About Religion

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In "Some keep the Sabbath going to Church", Emily Dickinson shows insecurities with attending church, and explains why she would rather stay at home. Her life at home reflects her poem, and her culture at the time may have something to do with her reclusive behavior. To question your religion would be to cast yourself out of society. In Dickinson's, "A Description of Herself" she states that the books her father brings her are religious "except me", which further proves that she has insecurities about religion. Dickinson's continual questioning of religion makes her behavior reclusive, and fuels the writing of, "Some keep the Sabbath going to Church."
During the time that Emily Dickinson wrote "Some keep the Sabbath going to Church", society …show more content…

She preferred that her works were kept more secretive, and only she would choose who was aloud to see them. Other people around this era spent time talking with one another about their writings, and having people look over them to see what they thought. Emily Dickinson did not feel the need to be published, and she rarely wanted someone to take a look at her poetry. This can be seen in Dickinson's "A Description of Herself" when she writes Mr. Higginson and says, "I bring you others." She enjoyed seeing what Mr. Higginson thought about her poetry. Throughout "Some keep the Sabbath going to Church", the sense of privation can be felt, and you can tell that along with other things, Dickinson enjoyed a more private life. Richard Wilbur also mentions her more private life in his writing of “On Dickinson’s Sense of Privation”, and he clarifies that she would choose to stay away from the outside world even the more enjoyable parts of it, and keep it at a “physical remove.” This could be a source of influence in writing “Some keep the Sabbath going to Church”, in the sense that she would prefer to shut the world out including going to church, and stay inside where she felt more

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