
What Is Growing Up With Divorced Parents Essay

Decent Essays

I sat on the stairs with tears streaming down my face. I look up, sobbing as I wipe the snot from my nose. “This is goodbye for now, but I promise I will see you soon”, my dad had said as he held me. I grabbed onto my dad’s shirt as he tried to put me back down on the stairs and I felt as if my whole world came crashing down. Growing up with divorced parents was a challenge, but it has changed me drastically and for the better. I had to take care of my younger brother during the divorce, which made our relationship stronger and would mature me more than I would ever actually realize. I don’t remember most of my parent’s marriage and most of the memories I do have of them being together, they were always arguing. I was in 3rd grade when the arguing started. Being so young, I always thought my parents were happy and that they would stay together forever, as every child thinks. In the beginning, they never fought in front of my brother and I and they seemed perfectly fine in front of us. But as the year continued on, they fought …show more content…

I would do things such as, make his lunch, made sure he showered and brushed his teeth, and all in all I made sure that no one would ever hurt him. The divorce really destroyed my idea of love and I never ever wanted my brother to go through that type of pain again. My brother and I had a different type of relationship than other siblings, we were super close and we did everything together. Till this day he listens to me and does whatever I tell him to do. We were all each other had during that time, so when we adjusted to our new living arrangements, it had felt foreign to have my parents actually help us with certain situations. I often asked to help make dinner, help with laundry, and clean around the house because these chores were something that I had to do all by

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