
What Is Hypoallergenic Dog Food

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The Truth About Hypoallergenic Dog Food
In many families dogs are more than just common household pets, they are members of the family. Therefore, it’s important that dogs consume a wholesome diet and receive essential nutrients in order for them to maintain health.
A lack of quality in some dog food recipes cause allergies in some four-legged friends. It is extremely important to tailor to the special dietary needs of a dog with allergies. Unfortunately many of the big name dog food brands are so concerned with mass production, it seems that they have thrown quality dog food production out the window. It is this neglect of producing quality dog food that causes food allergies in dogs.
Accordingly the market introduced hypoallergenic dog food so that these poor dogs can receive nutrients without all the allergic reactions. All dogs deserve to eat a balanced diet that doesn’t cause them to be miserable. It is important as the owner of a dog with allergies to ensure that they are well taken care of. …show more content…

The dictionary defines ‘hypoallergenic’ as an adjective that “is designed to reduce or minimize the possibility of an allergic response, as by containing relatively few or no potential irritating substances.”
Studies have shown that shown that most dog food allergies are associated with a dog’s inability to breakdown particular proteins, which causes inflammation. This inflammation then affects the dog’s immune system and causes allergic reactions. Thus, hypoallergenic dog food has been concocted to decrease and eliminate risks of allergic reactions, and is free of ingredients that that are known to upset allergies in dogs.
Hypoallergenic dog food is a specialized food for dogs that have 2 main differences in regards to the ingredients

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