
What Is Lady Macbeth Patriarchy

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Lady Macbeth is one of the strongest female characters in the history of literature. Not only is she an equal to Macbeth, but she also originates in the early 17th century, when women had very few rights. I will be portraying her on April 13th and I hope to do the character justice. Here are some ways I am planning on reenacting her. On page 59, line 68, Lady Macbeth scolds Macbeth of being "infirm of purpose". Not only is this a firm way of speaking to her husband, especially considering the common patriarchy in most families, but it also shows that Lady Macbeth feels like she is on the same level of Macbeth power-wise. Lady Macbeth isn't afraid of asserting her power. Because Lady Macbeth is Macbeth's partner versus just a spouse-like figure,

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