
What Is Liesel's Loss Of Innocence

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Liesel Meminger quite literally embodies the term growing up and the loss of innocence, Liesel faces harsh realities in the novel while growing up in Nazi Germany.The first instance we see of this is in the first few lines of the novel when her brother dies of an unknown disease and no one knew he was dead but Liesel did not see any life in his eyes, still she had not yet come to the harsh realization of what was happening the best way she knew to hold on to this feeling was to steal the gravedigger's handbook because its apart from the fact that she had been Of the last memories of her brother, after this she would then go on the live with the Hubbermans, while living there, Liseel endures many mental and physical concerns while growing up, …show more content…

rudy wants to be the best athlete like jesse owens, Liesel is dealing with the loss of her mother and her whole world changing because of a mad tyrant hell bent on eradicating the jews, this is mainly seen towards the end of the novel when we see jews being marched toward the death camps in nazi germany, one of the je he was hiding in the the Hubbermans house, Max. Max and Liesel became close while he was in hiding; Liesel being around Max made her more mature because she realized that someone was going through the same problems as her dealing with the loss of family, losing their home and having to relocate, but also it gave Liesel someone to find comfort in other than papa( Hans Hubberman). Rudy had his own problems that he had to deal with; he didn't want to be apart of the Nazi party, particularly because he took favor in being a black athlete, but as the war goes on Rudy must start coming to the realization that his dream isn't possible; Rudy also experiences the hardships of the war which basically destroy his childhood innocence, and forces him to mature, but besides all of that Rudy dealt with bullying and problems at

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