
Life Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness Essay

Decent Essays

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness Life… Liberty… and the pursuit of happiness. The 3 things that we, as Americans all share, and that itself, cannot be taken away from us, unalienable rights, as you would put it. But, what are these things, and what do they mean. Today, I will go in depth of what they actually are. As stated in the declaration of independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” It’s all said here… you, as a person, have the same freedom as the person next to you. As long as these words remain, everyone has the same capability of doing something if you just put your mind to it. For example, let’s say that I want to be a fireman, you think I will just be a fireman by just thinking about it, no. I have to go and do something about it. Let’s also say my friend wants to be a fireman, is it a competition? I sure do hope not! Him and I both put equal amount of work into it, do I get to be a fireman and he doesn’t, in some cases the answer is yes but for this example it shouldn’t be, we both become firemen because we BOTH put work into it. …show more content…

Well what an iconic question to ask. Well as stated by, “Laws are important because they keep a society together and functioning. Laws strive to maintain peace and safety among people and provide ways to resolve issues that do arise among individuals. Laws exist to protect people from each other and from themselves as well as to protect the government from harm, to promote certain values and to provide goods and services.” Also, if you read the declaration of independence, it goes in by detail and states that you are entitled to these rights at the cost of you following

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