
What Is Melinda's Primary Internal Conflict

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1. What is Melinda's primary internal conflict? Melinda is emotionally traumatized and depressed after being raped at an end of summer party by Andy Evans. 2. Why does Melinda hesitate to tell Rachel that Andy, Rachel's boyfriend, raped her? Melinda hesitates because Rachel may not believe her, and become furious with her again. 3. How does the way Melinda react to the harassment she faces at school show she is depressed? Melinda takes abuse like getting her hair pulled and being kneed in the back at assemblies, but she doesn't do anything to prevent it or stand up for herself. I think this reflects her depression because she already feels worthless, and she lost all her friends so there is no one there to stand up for her. Furthermore, since …show more content…

How was Melinda feeling when she decides to tell Mr. Freeman about what happened to her? At the end of the novel, when Melinda decided to open up to Mr.Freeman, i think she was feeling like she had regained her self worth and she wasn't going to let her rape ruin her like or define her. She had come to terms with everything that had happened and was finally ready to tell her story. 5. List three antagonists in the novel Speak and how they interact negatively with Melinda. 1) Andy - raped Melinda, harasses her at school, attempted to rape her again 2) Rachel - ignored Melinda after being her best friend for years, doesn't believe she got raped 3) Mr. Neck - constantly picking on Melinda, gives her failing marks for little mistakes 6. What does Melinda do to overcome her internal conflict? Melinda goes back to the place where she was assaulted and has a moment of reflection and self evaluation. She realizes that her rape was not her fault and she should speak up. 7. Does Heather serve as an antagonist in this novel? Explain. Heather does serve as an antagonist toward the end of the book, because after she had told Melinda that she doesn't want to be friends any more, she comes back to Melinda when she needs her help expecting Melinda to do what she asks. Heather was using Melinda to help herself become a part of the

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