
What Is Mind And Does It Exist?

Decent Essays

When we direct the question, “what is mind and does it exist?” to ourselves, the answer seems perfectly clear, because to each person there is nothing closer, more intimate, or more certain than his/her own mind, or themselves. A person is absolutely sure of the existence of his own mind, but the question is, what exactly is one’s mind? The first philosopher to take on the theory of mind was a philosopher by the name of Plato. Plato observed the differences between the ideal forms of the content of mind and the every world. Plato defined the philosophy of mind as “a branch of philosophy that studies the nature of the mind, mental events, mental functions, mental properties, consciousness, and their relationship to the physical body, particularly the brain.” Trying to relate the mind and body together created the mind-body problem which when “the relationship of the mind to the body, is commonly seen as a key issue concerning the nature of the mind that do not involve its relation to the physical body, such as how consciousness is possible and the nature of particular mental states.” Philosophers such as Plato attempted to resolve this mind-body problem by the use of dualism and monism. During this attempt to resolve this issue, substance dualists argued that the mind is an “independently existing substance.” In other words, they claimed the mental states were separated and distinct from the physical state. On the other hand, property dualists argued “the mind is a group

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