From my perspective, the mind always seemed like a complicated and intricate puzzle. It was a puzzle that I had no desire to evaluate or even begin to learn more about. It was something that I had just accepted because I believed it was above my understanding and much too complex. However, I never thought to look at just one small piece of the puzzle. If I could just focus on one little section, maybe I could increase my overall knowledge of the mind. By reading the book, Mindset by Carol S. Dweck, I was given the opportunity to be able to specialize on one very crucial part of our mind. A part that deals with how we view ourselves and others, our communication, and the reasoning behind our actions. This is called our mindset. While reading …show more content…
Once the distinction was made, I was quickly trying to see which category I fell under. However, as I continued to read the experiences of others, I found that I had parts of both mindsets. Also, I found that I have different mindsets for different parts of my life. Personally, I think when it comes to school I have a more fixed type of mindset. My grades are high, but I find myself guilty of often preparing more for the test than actually learning and understanding the material. I often value my grades more than truly becoming a better student from a class. I have avoided certain classes that interested me because they could have possibly brought down my grade point average. For example, I enjoyed the challenges of Advanced Physics, but I did not take the AP course because I did not want to receive a grade that could hurt my class ranking or GPA. Having a fixed mindset with my schooling has limited me and lowered my overall education. However, I do have a growth mindset for many parts of my life as I never give up easily, I am always ready to put in effort, and I know how to accept criticism to make me a better person. Cheerleading is what really taught me growth mindset traits, and these traits eventually found themselves into all parts of my life. By being aware of the mindsets, I can now be more conscious of always having a growth
I personally have went through times having both mindsets. I can say from experience that a growth mindset is the better of the two. I believe that you are able to change your mindset. With a growth mindset, you always see things how they could be or how you could make the situation better. But in my experience, it was how I changed the people I hung out with and the type of environment I was in.
Chapter 1: The Mindset In chapter 1 of "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol Dweck presents the idea of mindset and how it affects behavior, accomplishment, and resilience in the first chapter. Dweck compares and contrasts two basic mindsets: the growth mentality, which holds that abilities may be improved via hard work and persistence, and the fixed mindset, which holds that abilities are inherent and unchanging. She describes how different mentalities influence how people react to obstacles, failures, and opportunities for personal development. Dweck outlines the traits of each mindset, showing how those with a fixed mindset tend to shy away from problems, give up easily when faced with difficulties, and believe that effort is
People with the growth mindset care more about learning and are eager to learn. Dweck did a study of brain waves in the lab at Columbia. For example, Dweck explains that “only people with a growth mindset paid close attention to information that could stretch their knowledge” (Dweck18). This shows that individuals with a growth mindset are more passionate and motivated toward learning because they believe learning will make them grow and succeed. Anyone can learn and change how smart they are. Dweck did research for the students who entered the university and weren’t fluent in English. Also, she measured their mindset. Dweck told the students that they have a definite amount of intellect and they can’t do much about it. For instance, “those who learn with a growth mindset agree that: “You can always substantially change how intelligent you are’’ (Dweck 17). This indicates that students with a growth mindset firmly agree that an individual can constantly change how clever said individual is. People with the growth mindset strongly concur that success is about learning and gaining knowledge, so they don’t want to miss an opportunity to eliminate their language barrier. They have confidence that improving will expand their learning capabilities. The growth mindset can motivate you to continue when you have a
The way that people think about their ability to change and grow can impact their lives. In her book, Mindset: The new psychology of success, Carol Dweck introduces this way of viewing of the world as our mindsets. She proposes that there are two different types of mindsets: growth and fixed. People with a growth mindset see their abilities as something that can be cultivated and changed through effort. They are more willing to take chances to learn and grow.
To fail is to succeed. Most people have had failure in their life from minor upsets to major problems, such as your favorite football team losing to getting rejected from a college. A fixed mindset would take that as a problem of their team losing, while the growth mindset would see that as an opportunity to put in new players and fresh faces. A fixed mindset would see being rejected from a college as a missed opportunity and they will never get accepted to any college, while a growth mindset could see that as an obstacle and apply to a college that they would never have thought of. For years I had a fixed mindset on math; I failed algebra 1 twice and algebra 2 once. I didn’t like math because I thought it wasn’t worth my time and I would
Basically, individuals with a fixed mindset often feel measured by a failure, sometimes permanently. Unfortunately, failed attempts are viewed as a label rather than an opportunity to plan a new path of succes. On the other hand, an individual with a growth mindset views a failed attempt as an opportunity to take action, to confront obstacles, to keep up with their schoolwork, and/or to better manage and organize their time. Growth mindset individuals believe that qualities can be developed, expanded, and eventually result in a successful outcome. A second lesson learned is the power of labels and the stereotype of ability; this lesson is undoubtedly one of the most enlightening. Dweck discovered in one of her studies that, “... ability praise often pushed students right into a fixed mindset, and they showed all the signs of it too. When we gave them a choice, they rejected a challenging new task that they could learn from. They didn’t want to do anything that could expose their flaws and call into question their talent” (72). One’s mindset determines their reaction to labels and stereotypes. An individual with a fixed mindset will settle for a positive label and chose stagnation and permanent inferiority rather than risk losing the label; whereas,
The Mindsets Growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts.(Mindset p.7). It is a belief that people aren’t born with a gift of high intellect or a brilliant mind or, on the other hand, born dim-witted or unintelligent. It is a belief that gives value to hard work, persistence and passion for learning. A belief
I’m going to tell you how student learn these mindsets. In the 90s parents thought the most important thing that you child should have was self-esteem. But were they messed up is that you cant just hand your kids self-esteem. They took a poll among parents and found that 85% of parents thought that it was necessary to “praise” their children’s abilities to boost confidence. Now were going to talk about growth mindset. These students believe that intelligence is something that can be gained through education and effort. I wish in high school that I would of taken it more serious because now I could have had a growth mindset witch would of helped me out a lot in college. Those students have growth mindsets. They believe that you can gain intelligence through learning. Those with a growth mindset had a very straightforward idea of effort. The idea that the harder you work the greater the outcome is and I think that’s true. When these students had a set back in school they simply just study more or differently next time. That was my biggest set back in high school. Many bright students find grade school fairly easy and get right through it. But later on in life like in college they struggle. They don’t want to put the time into something and feel dumb when they get a bad grade on it. That’s bad because you should never feel dumb about something that you tried your hardest to complete. I hope that this information was helpful
Students with a “fixed” mindset believe that they are born with a specific set of talent and they are limited by those talents. They will fell that they reached their expected ability, consequently stop trying. If the student has a “growth mindset”, they believe that if a concept is challenging, it will provide them an opportunity to learn a new concept. They also believe that there are no restrictions due to inherited ability.
Mindset to me is something that can always be changed depending on your attitude. I do not believe that mindset is something that is fixed, and that you are only as good as your genes allow. I think you can develop new skills or improve any current skills anytime in life as long as you put in the work. In the letter I wrote to a future student I talked about my first real test in college. It was in BIO 105 and I bombed it. When I saw my score the first thing I thought was that I wasn't cut out for college. I was used to not putting much effort in when I was in high school and still doing good. From a little help from my teacher I was able to change my work ethic when it comes to school work. From that point on I've done much better in school
A fixed mindset is when someone believes the abilities you are born with are the ones you will always have, and they cannot be changed. Children who possess a fixed mindset are likely to attribute their success to pure luck and their failures to ability or lack thereof. This is also known as learned helplessness. Children with a growth mindset, however, have a contrasting perspective. They believe abilities can be improved over time with an input of effort. They attribute their success to their abilities and their failures to variables that can be easily altered. As I have mentioned in the past, I fall under the authoritative parenting style. Because an authoritative parenting style is firm but caring and encouraging, I have cultivated a growth
Motivation is based on the will to continue and achieve some means to an end. Whether it would be to wake up in the morning or to finish a doctorate in medical biology, motivation does exist. It exists for all of us and here is the response I can give for ‘what are my motivations.’
To whomever may be reading this, I have personal story to tell you about my growth mindset. Up until the ending of my sophomore year my mindset wasn't a growth mindset, I happened to be accustomed to a fixed mindset. I used to be afraid of being judged and I hated the word failure, I hid all my flaws from the world and can you believe I actually thought that was okay? I would be going crazy asking myself what's my purpose? Why am I not good at anything? The truth is, I don't have a purpose and I'm not naturally good at anything. But I changed and it wasn't something I learned in an instant, I took some time to understand and reflect that my purpose comes from within. It comes from passion, hard work, practice, and most of all, a long-term of
One way growth mindset is more superior than a fixed mindset is due to the ability to develop and adapt the intelligence of a person. A fixed mindset will lock you down to the "now". A study done by Dweck tested ten-year-olds with problems that were beyond their reach of knowledge. Many of the kids were excited to learn and do better the next time, but a few were upset. They felt like testing their knowledge defeated them. "In one study, after a failure on a test, they said they'll cheat next time instead of study more. In another study, they found someone who did worse than they did so they could feel better, and in
The mindset someone is in allows them to have the ability to have a different perception. It allows for a greater range of thought. The author,