
What Is More Than Just A Game Essay

Decent Essays

More Than Just a Game Participating in three sports throughout high school has not only taught me how to become a better person on the court, but off the court as well. Sports have influenced me to always try my hardest, be a leader, have responsibility, work with others, and be mentally strong. These are traits that I can take with me wherever I go in life. I have faced and overcome many challenges due to sports, and that has helped prepare me for the future. Whenever something happens that doesn’t go the way I was expecting, I now know how to respond to the situation rather than complaining. Sports have taught me that you are going to make mistakes throughout life, but your response to those mistakes is what matters most. My participation in sports has influenced my career goals because I am planning on majoring in Exercise Science. This major will allow me to be able to stay active after my sports career and work with athletes as well. Sports kept me very active and healthy growing up and made me realize that I would love to help high school and/or college athletes stay healthy and fit during …show more content…

Sports have helped me with my parents because they both played sports growing up. Whenever I needed advice or wanted somebody to help me with a sport growing up, my parents were always there for me. My parents and I also have a good relationship now because of my involvement with sports. Not only has sports bettered my relationship with my parents, but my sister as well. We are only three years apart, and because of sports, we are very close. We have grown up playing sports together and helping each other out whenever one of us wanted somebody to play with and our parents weren’t home. My senior year of high school, when she was a freshman, allowed us to become even closer. My sister and I played on the same varsity team together for volleyball, basketball, and

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