On March 8,2008 Obama made a speech for his campaign. Obama based on topics such as accusations about his pastor and racism to win his voters trust by choosing a topic to cover a issue that is still current and contreversial today. Persuading his audience to potential voters and using the constitution as an example by showing that today some of us are still not practicing by the constituion. He successfully persuaded his audience trust by getting their votes by using ethos,parallelism,and assonance. Obama effectively convinces his audience about his background . He states “I’ve gone to some of the best schools in America and lived in one of the world's poorest nation” and “I am married to a black American who carries within her the blood of slaves and slaveowners - an inheritance we pass on to our two precious daughters”. In the statement he was saying that he has been through the struggle but also been successful.He connects his personal life with his audience …show more content…
I chose to run for the presidency at this moment in history because I believe deeply that we cannot solve the challenges of our time unless we solve them together – unless we perfect our union by understanding that we may have different stories, but we hold common hopes; that we may not look the same and we may not have come from the same place, but we all want to move in the same direction – towards a better future for our children and our grandchildren”.Stating that statement it brings power into what he is saying. Using small phrases such as more gives the audience with a repeating message in their brain. Parallelism emphasizes his goal of trying to persuade his audience to vote.By repeating the word more than once he wants the audience to move
Obama’s speech demonstrates certain points to engage the audience and to create a connection to emphasize its presence in the speech. One impactful technique he used is his anecdotes to prove his credibility to gain trust within the students. One anecdote that he clearly states is about African Americans are treated different decades ago and how certain races are not able to have the job they wanted, due to their skin tone. Furthermore, he adds his own research on this topic by explaining how “no blacks CEOs of Fortune 500 companies” (Mccaskill). This creates a sense of wisdom and satisfaction because, over time, society changed their views within people of color
In response to the controversial sermon given by his pastor and the racial remarks that followed him during his 2008 campaign, then Senator Barack Obama, was inherently forced into delivering a speech that would address the comments and prove to the American people that he did in fact shared their “American Dream” and was not an Anti-America charity case. Obama gave his famous “A More Perfect Union” speech in Philadelphia, where he seized the opportunity to address the controversy as an indication of a much larger issue, race relations in America and introduce his mission of moving the country toward “a more perfect union.” His speech often coined, “the Race Speech”, had several factors play into its success, one factor being the way the speech was delivered, his speech incorporated the jeremiad form and constitutive form of rhetoric, the use of those two forms helped Obama address the issue while at the same time creating an identity that would encompass all Americans who would then come together in this identity and work toward the solution of the race issue and providing the “American Dream” for everyone.
The use of repetition was one of the rhetorical devices used by Barack Obama in his speech, by mentioning some powerful words that advocate for for unity. Obama used phrases like “You and I,” and “Together, we.” He mentioned more than once the first sentence of the constitution of the United States “We, the people,” and declared that “Our Journey is not complete” (Klein) several times. These words reinforced his ideas of unity and evoked an image of that all Americans are equal and should have the same rights.
He persuades his audience by using yet another rhetorical strategy, anaphora, that allows his words to echo in his audience’s minds. He uses this when he says, “...if you feel the same energy that I do, if you feel the same urgency that I do, if you feel the same passion that I do, if you feel the same hopefulness that I do -- if we do what we must do… the people will rise up in November, and John Kerry will be sworn in as President…” Obama’s decision to use this strategy is what engages his audience to the point where they give him their full, undivided attention. As they do this, Obama uses this opportunity to make his last few statements memorable enough that when they are voting for their next president, they will remember his speech and will want to vote for the John Kerry as their new, strong, and trusted
Here i am going to list every Thought that went through my mind while watching this Biased Video
Obama addressed to a crowd of mixed gender, race, and understanding of their own feelings towards our country. He spoke of the American Identity and story and how it defines the people who live in America. He said, “Look at our history. We are Lewis and Clark and Sacagawea, pioneers who braved the unfamiliar, followed by a stampede of farmers and miners, and entrepreneurs and hucksters. That’s our spirit.
Senator Barack Obama had many issues throughout his campaign. Obama’s speech, “A More Perfect Union”, delivered on March 18, 2008, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, conveyed many issues concerning racism throughout the United States, but it starts out stating how the founders of this nation constructed the Declaration of Independence, creating all men equal. Obama then begins to talk about his pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and his racial remarks against America and Israel, as it is “divisive at a time when we need unity”, referring to the “ two wars, a terrorist threat, a falling economy, a chronic health care crisis” going on at the time. (Obama 2) Obama remarks “I am the son of a black man from Kenya and a white woman from Kansas,” (Obama 1) because there is much criticism in his campaign due to his race. Obama argues that race is paralyzing our nation, and that it is still a major issue due to white privilege, and racial inequality. In the end, Obama hopes to move past the “racial stalemate we’ve been stuck in for years,” (Obama 6) and wishes to improve health care, jobs, schools, and other social issues for the United States.
Obama’s speech on race was a part of his campaign while he was running for the presidential election in 2009. He speaks to the American people with the purpose to gather them and with spirit of fellowship to creates a unity and patriotism. A unity where everyone stands together and in jointly could make the world a better place for everyone, no matter
Within his speech, Barack Obama admits that the United States is in the "midst of a crisis" but he believes that it can change, but he also makes it clear that the change cannot happen overnight. Obama's inspirational tone stirs up the nation with phrases such as “dust ourselves off” and “bigger than the sum of our individual ambitions.” Barack Obama's message persuades his audience because the message is believable and delivered by an honest man. In his previous speeches, Obama spoke of race and prejudice, an economic crisis and his hopes and fears with such intelligence that when
Though, knowing some of Obama’s background, it seems as if he was trying to get a point across. The point I have mention before, our differences should not separate us but unite us. Obama speech is inspiring, because he mentions how we all come from different backgrounds and we have our racist view points, but these points are simply from the past in which hardly anyone today has lived in. If we could overlook all the bad from the past and the negativity from being from different communities, we could have a better and stronger nation. Obama also uses his own background as a way to show how we can overcome different ethic backgrounds. It may be hard in some ways but as he states in his speech, “These people are a part of me. And they are a part of America, this country that I love.” We are all apart of America, a country that we love, and we are surrounded by the people we love. Yes, we do come from all sorts of ethnic backgrounds, and some may be a mix of many. This is the inspiring part from his speech. Even though he gets many view points from his family and is from a mix of ethnic backgrounds, all that matters is that his family is apart of him and he loves them for who they are not the ethnicity.
We spoke before about the upcoming election, since then however, things have gotten quite a bit crazier between the two primary candidates. While we talked about letting employees vote during work, and about how discrimination can include political parties, we haven’t talked about the aftermath of the election. Both candidates are talking about big changes, and they might directly or indirectly impact your business. What are these promises and why should you take note of them? The two main reasons is there is talk about Obamacare, which many know as the Affordable Care Act, which could bring subtitle to drastic changes to it. There is also talk about making college affordable for students without them going a lifetime in debt. While education
Seven years and two-hundred-thirty-four days into Barack Obama’s Presidency, his Presidential veto power has, for the first time, been threatened by an override. After unanimously passing the Senate back in May, the House has passed the “Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act,” a bill that will allow victims of the 2001 9/11 attacks to sue Saudi Arabia, which is believed to be a major benefactor of the terrorist act. The bill passed the lower chamber of Congress by unanimous consent in a voice vote, but despite extreme bi-partisan support, President Obama is expected to veto the bill. The Obama Administration has vocally renounced the bill, as they believe it will open the door to legal retaliation against the United States. If the President
As of now, many Americans have problems with their health care and the two political parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, are split on the issue. The past president, Barrack Obama, enacted the Patient Protection and the Affordable Care Act, commonly called Obamacare, on May 23rd, 2010.
In the beginning of his speech, Obama discusses his family and their past, how his grandfather served the United States and was a veteran of World War II. He speaks about the name that was given to him, Obama, as being African and how his parents felt that it isnt your name that takes you places and makes you who you are, it your character, strength, and personality. He also descibes his encounters with that he
My president is Barack Obama. He was the 44th president of the United States. Barack was a very important president, because he was the first African American president and put in a new laws along his two presidential campaigns from 2009-2016. Now I am going to tell you about the life of Barack Obama.