
What Is The Compromise Of 1860 Dbq

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In 1860 the compromise broke down because the Southerners had enough of the northerners attacking just because of slavery. Southerners felt like they had a right to do whatever they wanted with their properties. Abraham Lincoln gave a speech on June 16, 1858 in springfield Illinois .When Lincoln was elected they knew that the war will end and the slaves will be free.

In 1820 the Missouri forbid slavery in the louisiana territory. Maine had to be a free state because they were in the southern borders. In 1820 the compromise was passed and that made Missouri a slave state. When the compromise was passed it made maine slave free and missouri a slave state. In the 1820’s Henry clay resolved the debate of the slaver. Henry clay gave a speech and said that the it's impracticable for south carolina to …show more content…

Every slave that's in the southern carolina has to wear a identification tags. As time goes by things change they created a law that all blacks have to wear identification tags. By 1720 there were about 1800 people living in southern carolina and 65% of the people were slaves. Southern carolina said that they do not intend to secede from the union (Document A). American anti slavery admits that congress can't interfere with slavery they can only stop slave trade and slavery in territories (Document B).

Dred Scott was a enslaved African American in the United States. Dred Scott wanted to sue in the federal court but he's not a citizen (Document C). Dred Scott's family wanted freedom and, they believed they can have freedom because they lived in Illinois and Wisconsin territory for about four years. Dred Scott just wanted his freedom and he started a case in 1857 so his family and him can have freedom. When Dred Scott did the case he grew tension between proslavery and antislavery of both places north and south. Dred Scott later died on September 17,

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