
What Is The Current Status Of The Foster Care System?

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This brief highlights the current status of the foster care system in Texas in addition to recommendations that tackle the increasing caseload for social workers and the policy landscape. The structure of the document dives into the background, recommendations and implications for the foster care system. The background provides context on 2 state policies and the overwhelming caseloads for social service workers. The recommendations focus on how to reduce the caseload quantity and policies that do ameliorate the foster care system. Finally implications for the foster care system showcase the necessity for the recommendations in tandem and the lack of sustainability for the status quo overall. The policies that are stated in this document …show more content…

The brief states SB-11 and similar polices should be supported as they have the ability to fix the foster care system. The ideal scenario would be for these two recommendations to be used in tandem. This would result in both a top-down and bottom-up approach for fixing the foster care system. The final section provides implications if these recommendations are not taken into consideration. They show how maintaining the status quo is not an option for fixing the foster care system. Additionally, there is a call to action for policymakers and policy analysts to bridge the political gap. This action will result in the creation policies and solutions that are for the wellbeing of children in the Lone Star State. Introduction The foster care system in Texas is broken and policies like SB-4 and HB-3859 continue to fracture the system even more. The high volume of children entering into the system and the substantial number of caseloads for social workers are exacerbated by the current policies. There needs to be strategies to reduce the severity of this problem. It is our job as policymakers and policy analysts to address this issue so that ALL the children of the Lone Star State have a better future. Throughout this document, I will provide a background on the current status of the foster care system, including detrimental policies, offer possible alternatives and recommendations, and present the implications of these recommendations on foster

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