
What Is The Dispute Between Romeo And Juliet

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Yet another dispute between the Montague and Capulet families has finally resulted in a fatality. A simple quarrel between Mercutio and Tybalt turned into a playful sword fight. A spectator reported Young Romeo attempted to put an end upon the altercation when Tybalt made a thrust at Mercutio. The strike penetrated the stomach area of Mercutio, killing him shortly after the brawl ended. Another spectator remarked “Many of Mercutio’s companions found his death a hysterical event. When he begged for assistance, no person came to his aid. It was only after his death it finally struck Verona he was actually gone.” “Mercutio was a dear friend of mine, and I will miss him greatly” Romeo stated after the duel. Just after the chaos had struck, Romeo

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