
What Is The Effect Of Hypocrisy In The Mayor's Wife

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Chapter 6- " Janie loved the conversation and sometimes she even thought up some good stories, but Joe had forbidden her to say. He didn’t want her speaking after such trashy people. "Youse Mrs. Mayor Starks Janie. I god i can’t see what a woman yo’ stability would want tuh be hidding all dat gum grease from folks that do not even own de house they sleep in". lane 28 Although Janie doesn’t mind mingling with all the townspeople and making up tall tales about the infamous mule, Joe considers the people "trashy" and "gum-grease." He thinks Janie’s position as mayor’s wife automatically makes her morally superior and he does not want her associating with them. This is, of course, hypocrisy since Joe himself, the mayor of the town, associates and

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