
What Is The Goddess?

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Columns taller than the skyline the island, with olive branches wrapping around their spine. In the air, owls as big as cats’ glide through the air; their feathers brushing people below. The atmosphere is lively; everywhere you turn there are people celebrating the festival and what it has to offer. Children dressed in homemade armor run around the island; playing with handmade toy swords and spears. The cry of “onward!” is heard as the kids run towards each other; recreating fights that the Goddess had long ago. Over the cries of laughter and joy; echoes of musical instruments can be heard. Sounds of Guitars, flutes, and mini drums drift throughout the island as you travel closer. The closer you are, the louder the music; but as you move …show more content…

Some people see this as a competition; like the legend of Athena and Arachne. To enhance excitement during the festival; people can sign up to compete in a weaving competition, and the one who comes out on top gets to plant the first olive tree of the year. Olive trees are a representation of the Goddess Athena. That’s why the island is scattered with them; olive is also used in special dishes that are served throughout the festival. The island serves all it’s food fresh; even with boats available the people like to keep it local. But with the festival all bets are off. The island imports food from all over the world; especially from other places that worship gods like Olympia. The vital component to the local food is the usage of olive. The people use olive in everything; from their pasta to their meat. A favorite dish that you will see eaten a lot during the festival is roasted salmon with tomatoes and olives. The locals roast the salmon in homemade ovens; and then add some special spices to give it flavor. The finishing touch is grape tomatoes with olives surrounding the plate. One interesting dish that is also a fan favorite is the Ligurian olive oil cake. This cake is made with the olives from the previous year’s tree; the olive oil gives the cake fluff while also making it a healthy cake. Another tradition that is done during the festival is the gift giving of books. The

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