
What Is The Irony Of The Movie Still Alice

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Since I am a big fan of Julianne Moore, I decided to watch the film “Still Alice.” It was such a touching real to life story with an excellent cast. This movie portrayed accurately so many aspects of what those diagnosed with and their loved ones go through living with Alzheimer’s disease.

In this story, it shows that Alzheimer’s disease does not discriminate. It doesn’t matter your intelligence, economic status, or overall health. Anyone is susceptible to this cruel disease. Alice seemed to be doing everything right. Exercising, taking vitamins and having strong family relationships. The irony of the movie was that Alice was so intelligent and specialized in linguistics and communication, but towards the end, she could barely speak. …show more content…

Not only was Alice’s very respected career affected but also that of her husband and her daughter that wanted to act. The strain on family relationships was very evident when one daughter was bitter that the other was not present at first to help their mother. So many true emotions were shown in this film. It was very sad to watch knowing that even though this is just a movie it is real life to so many others. I think they hit on some key issues in this movie. The point in the movie where Alice said that she wished it was cancer because people wear ribbons and raise awareness is a true problem most with Alzheimer’s face as most people are unaware of what Alzheimer’s disease even is or how to support someone who lives with

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