The Making of the Modern World by Erik Ringmar, an overview of the events in history that have led to the modern political scene. Diplomacy by Stephen McGlinchey, the evolution of diplomacy and big events that have showcased the power of diplomacy. One World, Many Actors by Carmen Gebhard, the transition of global relations from international to trans-national focused on the role of individuals and groups. As a scholar, these three texts have changed my present thoughts on how the world’s international relations and diplomacy have been an integral part in making the global market. I am an economics major with an international trade and development concentration, learning about how the politics affect trade and businesses, is amazing. My …show more content…
In the realm of international relations, I appreciate that it “moved away from a dominant focus on the state and the system to deal more with the role and perspective of groups and individuals.” (Carmen Gebhard). This allowed anyone to have a voice in politics and stand up for what they believe in and that is something I firmly believe in and was reinforced with this new knowledge about the concept of trans-national relations.
Learning about the events that lead to the modern global political system and global market defiantly strengthened my belief that the global trade has significant benefits, taught me that economic incentives and potential loss can prevent wars, and money runs the world when it comes to being politically dominant. In the medieval ages the kings were dominant and had power over little except the economy. “The economy was not thought of as a distinct sphere separated from politics but instead as a tool of statecraft which the state could manipulate to serve its own ends.” (Erik Ringmar). Times have changed and medieval kings do not rule all the land but the concept remains the same, countries use their economic standing as a way to make deals, prevent political issues, and push forward their political agenda. This is not always successful especially when it came to the Cold War because the US and the USSR were both economically built
Trading agricultural goods and industrial goods was a good thing, until trade partners started fighting. If trade led to war it had to have been because of money. It also could have been because
This has great impact on me, because it I learned why and how this divide in society is happening and how such frustrations such as in 2008, is causing people to
In the International community, trade is considered to be a peaceful foreign policy. By design, it establishes cooperation between states and ultimately decreasing the likelihood and reason for war. In a way it does accomplish this because it makes states more dependent on each other and therefore less willing to go to war. However, there are states that hold more influence over other countries based on geographical and political factors. Thinking of the Hamiltonian policies makes it clear of why the United States continues to follow this policy, yet at the same time they still follow the Wilsonian foreign policy of policing the world and creating peace. Therefore, it becomes the question of a connection between both policies in how a
The author, Robert B. Marks introduces the book, The Origins of the Modern World by introducing the reader to a global narrative of the origins of the modern world starting from 1400 to the present. The book presents the rise of the west as an issue of globalization of Asia, Africa, and the New World. Throughout the book, we see the connection made by the author between the environmental condition and the present economic status of a particular place. By the end of the book, readers are able to understand and reason out what created and solidified a gap between the east and the west, industrialized and non-industrialized and parts of the world that today are defined as the modern world.
The Origins of the Modern World by Robert B. Marks is a book about the historical changes that has happened in the period of 1400-1850. He shows that how Asia is the center of trade prior to the 1800s not the standard Eurocentric and it is a polycentric world in term of the world trade. He learned from recent scholarships on East Asia, India, Africa, and the Middle East that has raised significant doubts about Eurocentric explanations. In the Origins, he focuses on the economic history of China, India, and England.They were also the cultural, and intellectual centers before 1500, the world revolved around China and the Indian Ocean. In which, China and India were the most productive corner of the world. China and India were the world’s retail store. If you needed a product you would go to these areas.
What was new to you, and did it change the way you think about or perceive things? The way first, second, and the third world was explained. It clarified that the United States was first the world and the Soviet Union was the Second world. The third world countries were those who gained their independence in 1960. This changed my idea of what 3rd world countries are and how they got their names.
Globalization is the process by which the markets of different countries become integrated due to the exchange of goods, services, technology, and capital. Globalization depends on social, economic, and political factors, and continuously alters the way that the world works. All the vital components of the evolving global, political, economic and social institutions being examined seem to constantly converge and to perpetually intertwine during the day to day administration of global affairs. Diplomacy is employed to keep a measured balance between conflict and cooperation. The global guarantees of international law are placed in sharp contrast to the grim reality of human rights on daily basis and policy is dictated by the scales of political power and the urgent priorities of economic necessity. To understand how the globe functioned in the past and how it wishes to function in the future, we must study each factor separately and observe its inevitable interactivity with the other factors that occur. It is important to note that none of the dynamics can be given greater weight in comparison to the other crucial instrumentalities.
The Origins of the Modern World by Robert B. Marks is a book about the historical changes that have happened in the period of 1400-1850. He shows that how Asia is the center prior of the 1800s not the standard Eurocentric and it 's a polycentric world in term of the world trade. In the Origins, he focuses on the economic history where geographical on China, India, and England. In the beginning of the book he starts with a summary of "Rise of the West" where he say " the west as dynamic, forward looking, progressive, and free, and Asia as stagnating, backward, and despotic. After that he started building up or narrating the historical events in five-chapters based on an his vision of the world history, and he does it in a way that makes the reader agree with him to get the main key of the historical concept such as conjuncture. Also he takes about the most advanced societies across the Eurasian (China and England) and the two economic structures ( biological old regime and trading networks). He also takes the importance of the Indian ocean and he sees it as the "most important crossroads for global exchanges of goods, ideas, and culture" when Europe was " a peripheral, marginal player trying desperately to gain access to the sources of wealth generated in Asia. He brings a very good evidence that pictures the traditional China 's technological and Naval superiority, of the "well-developed market system" in Asia. Also he showed he superior quality of the Indian cottons and the
By defining economics as the most important aspect of the rise in power of the West, Frank also defined when the importance of global economy came to be. Many historians and economist have stated that the global economic system occurred after the Rise of the West; Frank disagrees. Frank believes that the world economy has been occurring since 1500s in the form of global trading. “A single global world economy with a worldwide division of labor and multilateral trade from 1500 onward” (pg.7). Frank’s notion that economics is the driving force behind the Rise of the West is correct in the fact that economy is a major force behind all innovations and advancements. A country cannot advance if it does not have the money to research and better its technologies, culture, and society. Frank’s notion of a single world economy is also correct in the fact that trading between Asia, Africa, and Europe does define a global economic system. What Frank lacks in his idea of the Rise of the West is his unwillingness to accepting innovative culture as a driving force behind the Rise of the West.
Global Political Economy is essentially a study of a political battle between the winners and losers of global economic exchange. In fact, understanding global economy relies on a clear knowledge of the process of political competition. Political power possessed by actors regulates economic activity and in turn this creates the basis for and affects political power. Through, critical analysis of the concept of global political economy it becomes clear that there are three prominent theories that form GPE, mercantilism, economic liberalism and Marxism.
After a search of what can best capitalize my skills, I arrived at an undergraduate major in international studies. Gaining deeper insights into contemporary issues, such as a worldwide expansion of the middle class, a dilemma between environmental safeguard and economic development, an escalation of conflicts between the states and nonconventional actors, was enlightening, humbling, and harrowing at times. Nevertheless, a field which delves into a complex state of global affairs dovetailed my penchant in exploring an unparalleled gamut of issues and approaching the current affairs through an interdisciplinary lens using politics, economics, history, and philosophies. Henceforth, I became sure this was a path for me.
In addition, I had the opportunity of case studies. Which gave me a well-rounded perspective on particular cases in International Relations. For instance, at Turkish Foreign Policy class, we analyzed Cyprus Issue with all aspects, actors, approaches and events. By learning international security theories, I was able to realize that, every conflict and situation can be systematically and sophistically analyzed by IR theories. Without studying security theories, international disputes cannot be analyzed and understood properly. Throughout my studies as an undergraduate student, the importance of economic effects on International Relations became obvious to me. Current market liberal economic system and multi-national companies affect policy making processes of the states. Economic crisis affects nearly every country on the globe because of economic interdependence between countries. Thus, in order to understand and gain more sophisticated perspective about economic effects on IR, I attended classes as, International Economics, History of International Economic Relations and History of Economic
Introduction: The lives of people are impacted by international economics and world politics. What is an International Political Economy? The international political economy is how economics and politics intertwine. “These are both very important aspects of international relations and have become more important internationally in recent years because of increased levels of trade, economic interdependence between countries, and the growing impact of international economics on domestic economics.”( International Politics P.312)
Willy Brandt once remarked:” Western Europe has only 20 or 30 more years of democracy left in it; after that it will slide under the surrounding sea of dictatorship” (Crozier, Huntington, Watanuki, 1973, 2). It would seem that democratic governments have become increasingly unable of facing “the challenges of the modern world”. Specifically, democratic European governments have become increasingly incapable to adequately represent the interests of the governed, while economic growth has also produced forces within nations that could potentially lead to the potential “regression”(Crozier, 1973, 49-50) of European states from democracy into tyranny (Crozier, 1973, 49-50).
The History of Modern World On August 6 and 9, 1945, the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by the first atomic bombs used in warfare, killing over 150,000 Japanese and inflicting radiation poisoning on more still. Five days later on August 14, Japan surrendered. The need to defeat Japan and to end the Second World War is the most commonly held view about dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Some argue however that this was not the main reason for dropping these two bombs in 1945.