
What Is The Relationship Between Romeo And Juliet's Dream

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Before they enter the Capulet’s abode for their party; Benvolio and Mercutio try to convince Romeo to have fun and be more optimistic about the situation. This is because Romeo is in a nervous state because of a nightmare that depicts a life’s end. At this time, Romeo is given the option to either choose to follow his gut and leave the scene before he enters the party or let Mercutio and Benvolio pressure him into crashing the party and finding a new girl. His decision to let Mercutio and Benvolio persuade him to go on with the plan to crash the party was what ended the lives of many Capulets, Montagues, and others. “But he that hath the steerage of my course, Direct my sail. On, lusty gentlemen.” (Shakespeare, Line 114-115). Had he listened to his foreshadowing dream, so many, including him, would have lived a longer life. Though Romeo and many others die in the end, the peace …show more content…

At first, Friar Lawrence questioned how Romeo could fall in love with a different person right after he was rejected from Rosaline, telling Romeo that men must fall in love through their eyes. Even though he frustrated Romeo, Friar Lawrence agreed to marry Romeo and Juliet together to bring peace between the Capulets and Montagues. For a short moment, Romeo was against almost every statement coming from Friar Lawrence, a wise and holy man. Even though Friar Lawrence had a point, Romeo, acting irrational, deflects the friar’s words and counters them with untrue statements. “‘Thou chid’st me oft for loving Rosaline.’ ‘For doting, not for loving, pupil mine.’” (Shakespeare, Line 81-82). This shows how inexperienced, irrational, and weak Romeo is when it comes to love. His only experienced coming from loving Rosaline who put him in a depressed state after rejecting him. This weakness shows yet again when Romeo was unable to save Mercutio and blames his love for Juliet to be the

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