
What Is The Relationship Between The Gods And The Greek Gods

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In Homer’s The Odyssey, we see many comparisons of the relationships between the great Greek gods and the mortals that lay below them. We can use many words to compare the two’s relationship; mutual, parent and childlike, and a sense of early government ruling over its people. Although, what we see between the Greek gods and mortals is the gods playing the role of a somewhat metaphysical guide through the story we still have this confliction of whether they are friends, foe’s, or neither. We will be diving deeper into this matter in the following paragraphs below to look at how the gods themselves reflect the image of a guide for the mortals or even a temporary enemy, how they used their powers to help the mortals, and with this role the conflicts and agreements that are created between the two. As said above, in Homer’s The Odyssey we see many gods who are helpful to Odysseus on his epic journey. To be more specific we see Athena the goddess of wisdom the most taking an interest in protecting and helping Odysseus along his journey. We see the beginning of her lending out her hand to him when she complains to her father Zeus in front of the other gods on Mt. Olympus that Odysseus is being held captive on Calypso’s island. This is seen when she says, “Remember him, a godly king as kind as a father. / No, he’s still languishing on that island, detained / Against his will by that nymph Calypso. / No way in the world for him to get back to his land” (Homer 5. 14-17). When

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