
What Is The Role Of Henry Clay In The Great Compromise In 1850?

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For so long, Robert Remini has been a significant player the political history. In the analysis of the critical moment in the United States, Robert Remini paints a vivid picture of Henry Clay. Clay is brought out as a man who was contradictory. He fought against the slavery, but on the other hand, he equally owned slaves. He was a common man but unfortunately could not be elected as the president of the country. Clay was an outstanding man who however was identified with lack of discipline. His dedication to an idea that the nation was a continuous union of people was not certain. Robert Remini explores the role of Henry Clay in the molding of the “Great Compromise in 1850” (19). In as much as the 1850 compromise did not prevent the civil …show more content…

Then the author outlines the situation of politics that cropped up due to the war between Americans and Mexicans which seemed to be controversial that took place at around 1846. He then highlights of the crisis that had threatened to bring the union to an end in a scramble of separation and the civil war. Finally, the author paints vividly esteemed Clay who was determined to avert the catastrophe with the great and last compromise. The credible and heroic portrait is what emerges throughout this book. All along, Remini reminds the readers the advanced age and the illness of Clay that hindered his hard work and lastly made him leave Washington before completing his task. In Remini's thesis, there a robust, authentic element: starting with the convention of the constitution someone can argue that the Union was able to be together because of many compromises made initiated by the leaders who were aware for the need of a neutral standing position. Remini, however, transfers the point in extreme and oversimplifies the debate to a point he ignores the six scholarship decades and goes back to the ham-handed group explanation. Robert Remini says of “Great Triumvirate” which he alludes to the era's great men who passed away like Henry clay; “the nation would lack men who will be devoted zealously to be of service in the Union and men who possessed candid capabilities in leadership and

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