The current neo-Nazi groups are not consistently engaged in terrorism, although their rhetoric continues to include strong advocacy for violent actions. The crimes committed by these racist groups are not all considered terrorism but have included several significant terrorist events, including attempted murder and arson. In 2005, a member of a neo-Nazi group was convicted of plotting to firebomb a synagogue in Oklahoma City.
Now in nature these acts could be counted as terrorism, destruction of property and murder. However a key part of terrorism
On Saturday August 12th, 2017 there was a “Unite the Right” rally planned. Protesters were gathered to express their opinions on the removal of the statue of General Robert E. Lee, a confederate icon. At 1:42 p.m. a speeding car flew through the crowd injuring 19 innocent people and killing a 32-year-old woman. The car then drove backwards and fled the scene but was later found. The 20-year-old man was arrested for murder in the second degree among other charges. Although some may complain, this attack was officially considered an act of domestic terrorism. Others may say that it is just a hate crime but Bill Nettles, the former United States attorney in South Carolina says, “The point of terrorism is to spread fear, the point of a hate crime is to inflict hate on one of the specific groups that is narrowly defined in the statute.” This event that was happening at the time and place of the attack is considered one of the largest white supremacist events in the United States history. The event lasted all weekend but on Saturday the protesters where clashed with counter-demonstrators. It is unsure why this 20-year-old guy decided to crash into these people at this rally but it is known that he had strong political views and that he did not agree with this protest. Again, either way anyway can look at this situation, there will never be an acceptable to do purposely kill and injure
Within the research they did not have any listing or mention of far-left terrorism, and they did not mention if there is such a category either. This learner does believe that since it is not a widely studied area, that one day they might add it to this research, but as of now they only used Far-right terrorist homicides (n = 106) and Common homicides (n = 530) on there research. Thank you Dr. Hurd, yes the variables should be labeled as gender (males) and ethnicity (Caucasian). This learner will make the correction. But question, is it inappropriate to use the term male or Caucasian vs. gender and ethnicity? This learner does understand using ethnicity vs. Caucasian, because terrorist come is all types of ethnicity, but the
Q1. Terrorism is an act done by an individual or a group, using violence or the threat of violence to frighten people, in order to achieve a political, social or religious goal. The word “terrorism” comes from the French word terrorisme, meaning “to frighten.” Terrorism was originally referred specifically to state terrorism, which the French Government practised during the years 1793 – 1794 in the “reign of terror.” The roots and practices of terrorism can be traced back to 1st century AD in Judea where there was an assassination of Roman rulers. Terrorist ideology and aims vary from each individual and/or group. There has been over 2000 cases of terrorism driven by religious purposes. Religious terrorism is carried out due to motivations and goals in relations to religions or religious figures. An example of this are extremist groups such as Al Qaeda who justify their attacks by believing that these are commands given to them by the Koran. Political terrorists carry out violent acts to make a point with government leaders. An example of this is the assassination of Abraham Lincoln on April 15, 1865. Moral beliefs is another aim of terrorism. Moral issues such as anti-abortions have led to attacks, including abortion clinics and their staff in the late 1980’s.
I believe that the FBI is correct in labeling them terrorist groups. There were two bombs set up. One bomb was set up to explode an hour after the first bomb, but this bomb also included nails, which would have killed or injured the first responders, firefighters, and police officers that would have been on the scene. Any attack to disrupt the government is a form of terrorism. The only reason the bomb did not claim lives or injuries that day was because it was spotted by a night watch and was reported. One surgeon said that he believes that if they don’t stop testing on animals or stop being cruel that human lives need to be taken. He said in an interview that he would not do it because he is a physician but someone out there needs to stick up for what he believes in. He is basically encouraging violence as long as it does not fall in his hands. In a way it’s like a cult. You encourage and have people do your bidding without getting your hands dirty, like Charles Manson did. All it takes is an impressionable young kid with issues to hear one of these “protests” and take on an act of violence and murder
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines terrorism on the basis of three characteristics. In order for an act to be considered terrorism, it needs to be (1) a violent act, or acts dangerous to human life that violates laws; (2) appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or
Right now, there are many active hate groups in the United States such as the Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazi, Skinheads, Christian identity, Black Separatists, etc. These hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan, which is one of America’s oldest and more feared, use violence and move above the law to promote their different causes. Another example is a group called Christian Identity, who describes a religion that is fundamentally racist and anti-Semitic; and other are the Black Separatist groups, who are organizations whose ideologies include tenets of racially based hatred. Because of the information gathered by the Intelligence Project from hate groups’ publications, citizen’s reports, law enforcement agencies,
Domestic terrorism is an act of terrorism in one's own country and by definition would include acts committed under the banner of White Supremacy. However white supremacy as well as domestic terrorism became a major topic after the civil war, despite the civil war ending: another major hate group rose up, the Ku Klux Klan. The Klu Klux Klan were white supremacists dressed in white robes who attacked Blacks, Jews, and Catholics and bombed their places of worship (Pei, 2017). This was the beginning of the rise of the White Supremacy a big part of American history and is connected to discrimination against African Americans and other minority groups. This all started in 1619 when slaves were brought into America by force and although in the 1820s-1830s slavery was abolished blacks were still considered inferior to their white counterparts, at the time of the civil war many black men were kept in chains and were used for various tasks: picking cotton, farm hand, etc. The basic premise carousing the outbreak of the civil war was due to the southern states wanting to uphold white supremacy. In the Confederate States of America non-whites were not allowed to vote, hold public office, and were subjected to daily humiliation of being segregated and being constantly
In addition to defining terrorism, you also have to address whether or not the “Black Lives Matter” movement is an organization. An organization is defined as an organized body of people with a particular purpose/ the act of organizing something. If guided by this definition one may find that “Black Lives Matter” is not a organization. According to news companies headlining the BLM interruption of Bernie Sanders campaign there was a very difficult question to answer; who is a part of BLM? A question that still has no answer. The phrase “Black Lives Matter” can refer to a
The term terrorism is used widely in present day especially in the United States. Terrorism is a double standard, the people who commit those terrorist acts, commit the acts out of beliefs and in their eyes ok. Terrorism can be described as the illegitimate use of force to achieve a political objective by targeting innocent people (Laqueur, 1987). To me the definition mention above is a great definition to describe terrorism as a crime. To aim for innocent people to prove a point which lead major injuries or death in most cases is to most people would be a crime, no questions asked. According to Martha Crenshaw (1995), “Terrorism cannot be defined unless the act, target and possibility of success are analyzed”. So to think, terrorist are people who commit these acts as a way to get their political or religious point across. If we look at the some of the most famous terrorist acts they are automatically labeled crimes. 9/11 was a crime because the persons affiliated with the act, targeted the
My criminal Justice policy is counterterrorism against Extreme Right Terrorism groups (home grown). Extreme-Right Terrorism- “Domestic right-wing terrorist groups often adhere to the principles of racial supremacy and embrace antigovernment, antiregulatory beliefs. Generally, extremist right-wing groups engage in activity that is protected by constitutional guarantees of free speech and assembly” (Watson, 2002). The research is to focus on stopping people from joining extreme-right terror groups or becoming a “Lone Wolf terrorist”. Because my research is to prevent terrorism the key programs I want to study are the potential subject’s social environment, economic status, education and media to educate the public, better law enforcement training,
After identifying common elements found in most definitions of terrorism, Hoffman distinguished the difference between terrorism and other types of crime. He emphasized five characteristics that define terrorism. However, if one takes into consideration the type of victim of people target by the terrorism and incorporated into his definition of terrorism, would this change if an act is considered terrorism? Take for example a religious Muslim group who targets Christian and other group who targets any victim regardless of their religion. Would the first example just be considered a hate group since they are target a specific type of victims ?
Any gathering of people can be a potential target for someone or some group. This is nothing new however. It has as happened for centuries and will continue to happen. The definition of terrorism is to use violence and threats to intimidate or to coerce others, particularly for political purposes.
Although anti-government extremists are a large part of the domestic terrorism group. There are several other groups that spread their beliefs of hate such as the Aryan Brotherhood, the KKK, the Black Panthers and outlaw motorcycle groups. Several of these groups plot to kill judges, police officers and other public officials and attack targets ranging from churches to abortion clinics, and even build chemical arms. The FBI is the lead agency assigned to investigate domestic terrorism in the United States. Their vast array of investigative
Political terrorism, or right-wing militants, tend to follow an extreme authoritarian ideology and conduct anti-government activities. "Political terrorists in the United States tend to be heavily armed groups organized around such themes as white supremacy, Nazism, militant tax resistance, and religious revisionism."(5) Two of the more famous incidents in the United States are the Oklahoma City Bombing and the Branch Davidian cult standoff in Waco, Texas.