
What Is The Selection Of Content Materials And Activities

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Selection of Content, Materials and Activities Mrs. S’s goal for her students was to be able to identify chemical and physical changes based on combining different substances. These substances were developmentally appropriate because they were all household items. By using baking soda, corn starch and cream of tartar, Mrs. S eliminated the safety concern in case anything was consumed. Even though they were safe, I think it would have been beneficial to discuss as a class what they could do with the substances. This would address the safety concerns and make the lesson more developmentally appropriate. Her students are still younger, so they would have enjoyed exploring the materials, similar to the Oobleck lesson. Perhaps the students …show more content…

By making this decision, I am pre-assessing students prior knowledge about how to use their senses and about their exposure to household substances. This exploration starts very concretely because we are working with real objects. Next, I would give students the choice as to what substances they want to combine first. After predicting what type of change will occur, students can combine the substances and make observations. As the teacher, I would be providing support for groups as necessary. I would also ask different thought-provoking and extended-answer questions to understand the students’ thinking. By scaffolding their thinking, I can ensure they are challenged the substantial amount so they remain in their zone of proximal development. After completing all three rounds, I would bring the class together and we would create a master spreadsheet showing which substances combined made what type of change. This is more abstract compared to the concrete investigation the students just completed. By looking at all of the results, hopefully we would see some patterns that would help the class identify the substances. In order to make this developmentally appropriate, I would at least provide the three different substances for them to match to the cups. If nothing else, I would scaffold their thinking so they are able to identify the substance with teacher assistance by

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