
What Is The Theme Of A Rumor Of War

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A Rumor of War by Philip Caputo shows the hard work and difficult tasks the men had to go through to prove themselves and protect their country. The war will change the men’s attitudes and the way they do everything. Men made sacrifices in the Vietnam War most people would never make in a lifetime, they will not just sacrifice but push themselves physically harder than most any other men. The men will also emotionally change from constantly watching other men die, or killing other men. The mens first kill was always the hardest for them, mentally they had so many thoughts of the other mans close ones back home and what they would go through and how it would be all their fault. Men went through so many tasks during the Vietnam War physically and mentally. The beginning chapters focus on training for war and being prepared for the worst. For example, when there is a sergeant in a room with the marines. The sergeant walks to the chalk board and writes “AMBUSHES ARE MURDER AND MURDER IS FUN” (36-37). The sergeant tells the marines to repeat it. The marines hesitantly say this, thinking as if it was just a joke, maybe. The sergeant yells at them with a stern voice that he can't hear them. All laughs stopped, with very …show more content…

The war will change the men’s attitudes and the way they do everything. A Rumor of War describes detail to the reader of what the men in the war go through and the things they had to go through. The book shows the emotion of when the men lose another soldier that stood right next to them and fought the same war. The book shows how the men are the same as most people when they begin training and then how different they are as things happen. Things happen such as their first kill or their first lost one. These two were explained and seemed to have changed the soldiers most than other things that they

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